Thimbleweed, Long fruited Anemone (Anemone cylindrica) - Very common throughout all of Eastern North America, Thimbleweed has showy white flowers and can grow to about two feet in height. It prefers moist environments in the prairie and calcareous or alluvial soils. It also grows along railroads and in moist roadside ditches. It doesn't do well when competing for space with other, taller prairie species, but it will thrive in wet, disturb areas at pothole edges. Anemone canadensis blooms from late May through the better part of July.
Anemone from the Greek term anemone, meaning "wind" which probably refers to seed distribution or perhaps because the delicate stems and leaves sometimes appear to tremble in the wind. According to Greek mythology, an anemone grew up from the spots where the tears of Venus dropped to the ground as she mourned the death of Adonis.
Ranunculaceae Family - "Thimbleweed, Long-fruited Anemone"
Sun Exposure | Savanna, Prairie |
Soil Moisture | Mesic, Dry Mesic, Dry |
Bloom Time | Spring, Summer June, July |
Bloom Color | White |
Max. Height | 2-3 Feet |
Wetland Code | UPL |
Germ Code | A |
Seeds Per Packet | 200 |
Seeds Per Ounce | 26,000 |
Edible Uses: Unknown
Medicinal Uses:
The root of this plant was one of the most highly esteemed medicines of the Omaha and Ponca Indians. A wash of the pounded boiled root was applied externally to wounds. The root contains anemonin, which is said to be a potent antiseptic.
A poultice made from the leaves is used to treat burns.
A tea of the roots was used in the treatment of headaches and dizziness.
A decoction of the stem and fruit is used as a wash for sore eyes.
Herbal Uses: Unknown