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  • Sweet Black Eyed Susan - Ion Exchange, Inc. | Rudbeckia subtomentosa
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Product Description

"Sweet Black-eyed Susan, Sweet Coneflower"

Sun Exposure               Prairie, Savanna
Soil Moisture Wet Mesic, Mesic, Dry Mesic
Bloom Time

Summer, Fall                       August, September, October

Bloom Color Yellow
Max Height 5 feet
Wetland Code FACU+
Germ Code  C(30)
Seeds Per Ounce   43,000


Rudbeckia named after Olof Rudbeck the elder (1630 - 1702) and the younger (1660 - 1740). Subtomentosa is from the Latin for "somewhat hairy".

Similar to R. hirta but with a somewhat less hairy stem; this plant's stem would more aptly be described as downy. Grows from 1 to 3 feet tall and prefers damp praireis and riverbanks. Orange-yellow flowers bloom from August through September.

Edible Uses: Unknown

Medicinal Uses: Unknown

Herbal Uses: Unknown

Product Videos

Sweet Blackeyed Susan - Rudbeckia subtomentosa blooming at Ion Exchange (00:56)
Earthyman views Sweet Blackeyed Susan (Rudbeckia subtomentosa) blooming at Ion Exchange in Northeast Iowa in July http://www.ionxchange.com
  • Sweet Blackeye...
    Earthyman views Sweet Blackeyed Susan (Rudbeckia subtomentosa)...
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